the (re)public house

| name


So, why the name "the (re)public house?" For those who know me well, you are probably aware that one of my goals in life is to open a pub. Though I don't yet have a pub, I have a blog, of which I am passionate about. It seemed like a fun idea to name my blog after my hopeful pub: the (re)public house. After all, both are merely venues by which stories are shared between friends and family, and discussions corral themselves around faith, music, travel, food, beer, books, sports, politics (well, maybe), and all other things that bring a quality of passion to life. Simply put, both are communities of authentic dialogue between friends young and old. So, on to the name itself...

First, pub simply stands for "Public House." A public house is not a bar, nor is it necessarily a tavern, though that would be a closer idea.

I think the boys at Trinity Hall said it best:

"We do joke that the biggest difference between the pub & a bar is that a bar is where you go to get inebriated. A pub however is a refuge, a place to spend an afternoon or evening, chatting with like-minded guests, learning more about the world and relaxing in the company of soon to be fast friends. The difference between a traditional pub and a local restaurant or bar is the conversation created in the pub. A large part of a guest's experience is getting to know the other guests in a warm and secure atmosphere that lends itself well to a range of ages & interests. If you can't have a conversation with the person across the table, you're probably in a bar!"

Second, I'm a Texan and thus live in a land of lore and legend in its historic republic state. Texas, to many, is fondly thought of and forever remembered as "The Republic." So there you go - is there really any better name for a pub in Texas? I think not. The same then goes for the blog.

...back to the main house.